An Alternative Solution to the DIY Approach to Pest Control in Auckland

by | Nov 10, 2022 | Pest Control

Have you been living in your home for several years, but have just discovered a pest infestation that seems to be affecting your children and pets? If so, then you have likely purchased several types of bug sprays to fight the bug invasion, but find them to be ineffective in completely exterminating termites, roaches, spiders, and other menacing bugs.

DIY Methods

You might begin to ask yourself is pest control safe for my pets and family when performing DIY extermination tasks by utilizing bug sprays from the local retail or hardware store. The answer is likely to be, no. Bug sprays contain various types of chemicals that can be hazardous and harmful to your kids and pets. One of the most dangerous chemical ingredients in these types of sprays is DEET. This ingredient can be lethal to not only bugs but to family members and pets as well. For this reason, you may want to consider natural or professional services as an alternative.

Types of Natural and Common Ingredients

Perhaps you are interested in taking a more natural and organic approach when looking for the answer to is pest control safe for my pets and family when taking a DIY approach. That is a wonderful idea. You can find natural ingredients that are commonly found in the produce section of the supermarket like lemons, lemon grass, mint, basil, and others. However, these natural ingredients may only provide you with a temporary solution to get rid of pests in your home. Turning to utilize professional pest control services may be advantageous for you, your family, and your pets.

Who You Can Trust for Quality Services Without Sacrificing Safety

Maybe you have decided to hire contractors to provide your home with the best services like pest control in Auckland. Look no further than to the professionals at Flick Pest Control. They are a one-stop-shop for all your home’s needs when it comes to effectively getting rid of menacing and dangerous pests that are harmful to your family’s health. You can trust them to provide you with the best solutions that are safe through decades’ worth of expertise. So, when searching for the top service provider for pest control in Auckland, they are the ones you can rely on for help. Visit Flick Pest Control Auckland to schedule an appointment right away.

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