How a DUI Defense Lawyer in Manhattan KS Uses Social Capital to Help Clients

by | Jul 15, 2019 | Lawyers & Law Firms

The concept of social capital is used in a variety of fields, including in the financial and legal realms. Social capital includes aspects like job stability or business ownership, family and social connections, participation in community activities and organizations, and lack of a criminal record. A DUI Defense Lawyer in Manhattan KS may use these aspects to help a client make a plea bargain with prosecuting attorneys or convince a judge to issue a lenient sentence.

The Best-Case Scenario

A first-time DUI charge for a person whose blood alcohol content was close to the legal limit is the best-case scenario for these possible outcomes. If the person has no criminal record, that is even better. The district attorney and the judge both can see that drunk driving is probably out of character for this man or woman.

Admitting a Problem and Seeking Help

If the individual believes that he or she has developed a problem with alcohol that has become evident because of the DUI charge, admitting this to the prosecuting attorney or a judge can be helpful. The admission should come with acknowledgment of a plan to seek help or, even better, the person should have already enrolled in alcohol counseling or outpatient rehab.

An Unusual Occurrence

In other instances, driving with high blood alcohol content is a very unusual occurrence for this person. The lawyer from an organization such as. can explain the extenuating circumstances, such as having one drink too many at a holiday party. That could have pushed the BAC from a legal level of .07 percent to an illegal level of .09 percent. Just two glasses of wine can do that, depending on the person’s size, gender and food intake that evening.

A Plea Bargain: Reckless Driving

A plea bargain might be arranged by a DUI Defense Lawyer in Manhattan KS to reduce the charge to reckless driving with alcohol as a factor. Reckless driving is considered a misdemeanor in Kansas but a less serious one than DUI. The fine will be lower and there is little chance of a jail sentence for a first-time offense. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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