See an Orthopedic Doctor Near Birmingham, AL about Preventing or Treating Osteoporosis

by | Jan 27, 2021 | Health & Fitness

Orthopedics is a large branch of medical science. Therefore, orthopedic doctors can treat a wide array of bone or joint injuries. The areas of specialty are categorized as follows:

  • Shoulders

  • Hips

  • Hand and elbow treatments

  • Foot and ankle problems

  • Knee health

  • Osteoporosis and bone health

  • Care of fractures

  • Joint replacement

  • Sports medicine

What Is Osteoporosis?

A bone health clinic is a resource provided by an Orthopedic Doctor Near Birmingham, AL to assist people who have osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops due to bone loss. In turn, bones may become fragile or weak, and can fracture easily from a minor injury or from activities such as sneezing or falling.

According to orthopedic doctor clinics, osteoporosis typically begins developing after the age of 35. The spaces in the bones enlarge, which reduces bone density and mass. As the process continues, the bones gradually weaken and become less firm. Sometimes a person will suffer a break before he or she is aware that osteoporosis is the cause. By the time a break happens, the disease is advanced.

Osteoporosis Risks

The leading risk factor for osteoporosis in women is menopause and a low testosterone count in men. People who are confined to a wheelchair or bed are also at risk. An Orthopedic Doctor Near Birmingham, AL is also frequently seen about the disease by smokers or have a family history of osteoporosis. The long-term use of medication can lead to the disease as well.

A Silent Condition

Osteoporosis has already been responsible for approximately two million broken bones in the US. It is a silent condition until the last phases. When osteoporosis is advanced, symptoms may appear in the form of back pain or a stooped posture.

Where to Find Out More Details

To find out more about this orthopedic condition, contact Southlake Orthopaedics. The clinic offers patient education and services for people who have developed the disease.

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