The Reasons That Tooth Implants in Canon City Are So Popular

by | Feb 18, 2020 | Dental Health

A tooth implant in Canon City is often used to replace a missing tooth. Dental implants are considered the next best thing to natural teeth. There are several reasons that dental implants are so popular.

Natural Look

Dental implants are designed to resemble your natural teeth. People who wear dental implants are able to smile with confidence. They can also eat and talk without worrying about the dental implants falling out.

Preserve Your Jawbone

When there are spaces in your mouth, the jawbone starts to deteriorate. Dental implants can preserve your jawbone. It can also stimulate new bone growth.

High Success Rate

Your dentist will make sure that you are a good candidate prior to replacing the dental implants. Dental implants have a 98 percent success rate. Additionally, if you take care of the dental implants, then they can potentially last a lifetime. Dental bridges typically only last 5 to 10 years.

Improved Ability to Chew

Dental implants function just like your natural teeth. That is why it will be a lot easier for you to chew. You will be able to enjoy all of your favorite foods.

Improved Facial Features

Missing teeth can cause you to look a lot older than you really are. Dental implants can improve your facial features by preventing bone loss.

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